Method for Generating the Tactical and Technical Requirements for Armored Armament and Equipment at Production Organization
complex technical system, complex, specific and individual indicators, requirements formationAbstract
At the present stage of state development, the likelihood of a collision of interest of society's state and political forces still remains and even increases due to the aggravation of various political, economic, and social contradictions. The priority in ensuring Russia's defense potential is currently reoriented to the sphere of clarifying views on its tactical and technical requirements.
To solve the urgent problem of the formation of tactical and technical requirements for samples of armored weapons and equipment planned for implementation in the framework of research and development of armored weapons and equipment, a methodology is proposed for the process of forming requirements for armored vehicles, weapons, and equipment.
The method includes the structural decomposition of a complex technical system “object” into a subsystem and its constituent elements. Each hierarchical level is characterized by a set of indicators. As a result of the detailed analysis, the object is represented by a multidimensional array of indicators. Determining the relationship between these indicators and their mutual influence on each other opens up the possibility of further structural formalization of indicators of tactical and technical characteristics at all levels of decomposition and their justification.
Based on the study results, a model of the turbocharger control device is proposed, which allows increasing the throttle response of a diesel engine. The developed model's efficiency is confirmed by a computer experiment carried out by means of a computer software package.References
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