Features of Simplified Roller Bearings Simulation Using Finite Element Method
bearing, strength, stiffness, preload, FEM, ANSYSAbstract
The paper deals with the issues of the simplified roller bearing simulation for linear strength analysis using finite element method. The presented ways of bearing assembly modeling are valid for both static and dynamic analysis. But, given the general working modes of structures which contain the bearings, the main focus in the paper is on the dynamic analysis. The ANSYS Mechanical was used for finite-element analysis. In the introduction the necessity of simplified bearing assembles simulation at numerical analysis is generally explained. The main body highlights the method for the simplified production of a mechanical system as a discrete dynamic model required for dynamic analysis. The paper gives the concept of the linearized bearing stiffness, reasons for linearization necessity; it shows the possible variant of the linearization condition based on the principle of calculation model verification. Concurrently, features of finite element modeling of bearings using COMBIN14 linear finite element are considered, specifically the method for modeling bearings for system dynamic parameters determination and strength analysis. The ways of stress-strain state evaluation for both structures (in general) and bearings based on the modeling results are presented. Particular attention is given to features of modeling structures with bearings that are set with the axial preload. This paper relies on the author experience in corresponding analysis of structures with bearing assembles and may be useful for undergraduates and recent graduates without such experience.References
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