Influence of Diagnostic Stepper Motor Parameters on Criterion of Identifiability for Nonlinear Discrete Model by State Space
stepper motor, discrete model, identifiability, state space, diagnosticsAbstract
The paper discusses the influence of such parameters of a stepper motor as phase resistance and inductance, moment of inertia on the criterion of identifiability of the drive model. To study the influence of these parameters, a nonlinear discrete model of a stepper motor in the state space is used.
A measurement matrix is proposed taking into account the reduced measurement error. The determinant of the measurement matrix is obtained with the maximum errors in the lower and higher sides in the worst case. It is concluded that only the matrix of the state of the stepping motor affects the identifiability, which will ultimately determine the rank of the extended matrix. The criterion for the loss of identifiability of the model is determined as the minimum threshold value of the determinant of the extended state matrix for cases of the exit of such parameters as resistance and inductance of the winding, moment of inertia from the space of realizable values of a working stepper motor.
A simulation model of a stepper motor has been developed in a domestic software product for modeling technical systems SimInTechto to calculate the minimum definition of the extended state matrix. If the winding resistance is reduced to 0.28 Om, the model of the step engine is reduced. The reason for this may be the inter-machine closure in the winding of the step motor. If the inductivity of the winding increases to 0.0002 H, the identifiability of the step engine model is lost. Changing the moment of inertia of the step engine in a wide range practically does not result in loss of model identifiability.
Based on the analysis of changes in the minimum determinant of the extended state matrix, the identifiability criterion of the stepper motor model, it is possible to solve the problem of diagnostics at the stages of production, operation and repair.References
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