Research of Load Distribution on Rollers of the K-H-V Planetary Gear
planetary gear, roller, mechanism, unbalance factorAbstract
The results of an experimental research of the load distribution on rollers are given, taking into account the manufacturing error of the K-H-V planetary gear.
According to the classification by V.N. Kudryavtsev, K-H-V planetary gears have many advantages over their analogues, but their use is reduced due to the presence of a torque transmission mechanism. The design of a planetary gear set with a roller mechanism for transmission of torque is simpler than with a link mechanism and has a higher efficiency. However, despite all the advantages of planetary roller gear, it is not well represented in published studies.
One should take into account that during the operation of the K-H-V planetary gear with a roller mechanism for transferring torque, only half of the rollers take the load, the other half is idling. At the same time, with an increase in the number of rollers, the maximum load on the transmission mechanism can be reduced. Also, with a certain number of rollers, the coefficient of uneven distribution of the load in the gear meshing is reduced.
Errors in the manufacture and assembly of the gear can lead to a change in the ratio between the forces that affect the rollers and the elements of the mechanism mating with them. Therefore, the analytical dependences took into account the most unfavorable cases in relation to the distribution of loads.
A description of the experimental setup connected with a personal computer is given. The installation provides the ability to change the angular speed of the electric motor shaft, to take and process the readings of the load cells using the appropriate software package.
The influence of the number of rollers on the load at points of mating of the links of the mechanism was investigated and the most optimal conditions were determined from the point of view of the equal strength of individual links and the axial size of the mechanism.
The obtained dependencies make it possible to establish the load acting on the rollers of an effective planetary gear, and calculate its strength with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy.References
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