Influence of Long-Term Operation on Physical and Mechanical Properties and Cold Resistance Indicators of Pipe Steel 10G2
technical diagnostics, impact strength, cold resistance, ductile-brittle transition, acoustic parameterAbstract
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of long-term operation on the change in the physical and mechanical properties and cold resistance of 10G2 pipe steel as part of the main gas pipeline.
It was found that in the course of long-term operation of 10G2 steel in the main gas pipeline, a change in the metal structure and a decrease in impact toughness by more than 2 times are observed. Along with a decrease in toughness, there is a shift in the temperature of the ductile-brittle transition to the region of positive temperatures, which significantly reduces the reliability of main pipelines and increases the likelihood of brittle fracture, especially when small microcracks appear. As a result of tests of 10G2 steel in a wide temperature range after 25 years of operation, there is a decrease in the ductility of the metal (the relative elongation decreases by about 1.6 times), an increase in the tensile strength and a decrease in the yield stress (by about 8-9 %). The dependence of the acoustic parameter D, calculated on the basis of the velocity of propagation of longitudinal and transverse elastic waves in the metal, on the service life of gas main pipes and on the temperature of the ductile-brittle transition for steel 10G2 has been established. It is shown that the acoustic parameter can act as a characteristic parameter of the cold resistance of the material of main gas pipelines and can be used for nondestructive testing.References
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