To the Question of Determining the Characteristics of the Object Motion Based on High-Speed Video Recording


  • D. V. Chirkov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • E. A. Fedorova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



high-speed video filming, fast dynamic processes, small arms, video file


Experimental studies of the influence of video file processing methods on the accuracy of the results of determining the motion elements of objects in rotational motion are presented. The results of the research showed that the applied methods of video file processing (graphical and automated) do not have a fundamental impact on the accuracy of determining the motion elements. At the same time, the automated method of returning video files using specialized video analysis programs allows you to fundamentally shorten the return time and eliminate the influence of the human factor on the measurement results.

Based on the results of experimental studies of determining the velocity of rifle bullets IZH-61, it  is shown that the definition of the elements of movement of an object based on a high-speed camera accuracy is not inferior to the specialized equipment.

The dependences for the errors in determining the elements of object motion based on high-speed video recording are presented. It is concluded that the ratio of the size of the scaling element to the size of the survey area has the greatest impact on the accuracy of the results obtained.

The paper describes a method for selecting the parameters of high-speed video shooting depending on the estimated speed of the object, which minimizes the effect of “trace formation”, which has a significant impact on the results of determining the elements of the object’s movement with a significant change in the speed of its movement in the studied section of the trajectory. So, when determining the bullet velocity of the Izh61 rifle with a specialized RS4M device according to eight measurements, the average speed was 119 m / s with a standard deviation of 6.07, and when using high-speed video recording, taking into account image scaling along the muzzle of the barrel - 117.58 m / s deviation of 6.32. The paper deals with the use of high-speed video recording to determine the motion elements of various objects.


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How to Cite

Chirkov Д. В., & Fedorova Е. А. (2021). To the Question of Determining the Characteristics of the Object Motion Based on High-Speed Video Recording. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 24(1), 53–63.


