Calculation of Forces in Spiroid Gearing Using the Results of Physical Modeling


  • Е. S. Trubachev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. N. Anferov Siberian State University of Railway Engineering
  • I. V. Shishlova Moscow Financial-Industrial University “Synergy”



spiroid gear, physical modeling, force calculation, friction coefficient


The paper deals with the results of physical modeling of contact in spiroid gearing, which allowed to establish the values of sliding friction coefficients in the gearing that are adequate to real conditions. Two models for calculating the forces acting in the meshing are considered. The first model assumes that the load is distributed along the lines of the conjugate contact, and the model itself is suitable for implementation in a computer-aided program for the calculation of gears. The second model, intended mainly for “manual” calculations, provides for transferring the entire torque in a conditional midpoint of the meshing field. Its accuracy is evaluated showing, in particular, that it is quite acceptable for standard designed single-thread spiroid gears. The results of forces calculation in spiroid gearing at different values of sliding friction coefficient obtained by physical modeling at different sliding velocities and the assigned contact stress in the meshing are given. According to the results, diagrams of axial, radial and circumferential forces acting on the links and necessary for the calculation of shafts and their supports are presented. Components of forces that depend to the greatest extent on the correct assignment of the friction coefficient have been determined. Advantages of spiroid gears over worm gears for low speeds of rotation and small gear ratios are shown.

Author Biographies

Е. S. Trubachev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

V. N. Anferov, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering

DSc in Engineering, Professor

I. V. Shishlova, Moscow Financial-Industrial University “Synergy”

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Trubachev Е. С., Anferov В. Н., & Shishlova И. В. (2021). Calculation of Forces in Spiroid Gearing Using the Results of Physical Modeling. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 24(2), 77–84.


