Influence of Thermal and Electromagnetic Processes in Double-Layer Rotors on the Efficiency of Asynchronous Motors
electric motor, short-circuited rotor, double-layer rotor, temperature field, electromagnetic field, induced anisotropyAbstract
Topical issues of effective use of asynchronous motors with double-layer rotors are considered. The aim of the study is to establish the cause-and-effect relationships of thermal and electromagnetic processes in two-layer rotors with the characteristics of asynchronous electric motors that determine the areas of their effective application. Ventilation and thermal calculations of electric motors are made using the method of equivalent thermal schemes. The problem of calculating the axial temperature distribution in a double-layer rotor is solved. It is established that the temperatures of the double-layer rotor are on average 1.7 times higher than the temperatures of the short-circuited rotor, while the temperatures in the central part can exceed half the temperature of the Curie point of the iron-copper alloy of the double-layer rotor. Attention is focused on the increased heating, the uneven temperature field and the temperature dependence of the magnetic properties of the active material of the double-layer rotor. The electromagnetic calculation was performed by the finite element method, taking into account the temperature dependence of the magnetization curves of the rotor material and its temperature portrait. The results of the calculation indicate the displacement of the magnetic field to the periphery of the double-layer rotor, since the decrease in the induction in the air gap of the hottest zone exceeds 15 %, and in the iron-copper alloy of the active part of the rotor - 35 %. The authors explain the distortion of the magnetic field in an uneven temperature field by the phenomenon of induced temperature magnetic anisotropy in the active material of the rotor, which ceases its influence in a uniform temperature field when the rotor cools. For this reason, it is not recommended to overload motors with a double-layer rotor and use them in long-term operating modes without reducing the rated load by 15...20 %. In short-term modes, these motors have an advantage if the duration of operation does not exceed 70 % of the constant heating time of the engine. In drives with frequent starts, they are effective in the entire range of normalized values of switching-on durations of 15...60 % - with independent cooling, and in the lower range of switching-on durations of 15...25 % - with self-ventilation.References
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