Experience in Manufacturing and Mastering Roll Forming Mills for the Production of Profiled Flooring


  • N. V. Tepin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. А. Khrabrov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. N. Kniazev Kalashnikov ISTU




profile flooring, rolling mill, stand, roll, simulation


The purpose of the study is to develop and master the designs of rolling mills for the production of profile flooring. In recent years, the volume of the profile flooring production has been increasing. This leads to an increase in the number and expansion of types of structures of rolling mills. An urgent problem in the production of rolling mills is not only ensuring the high quality of the products, but also choosing the optimal design of the rolling mill from the point of view of reliability, rigidity and manufacturability. The designs of rolling mills are considered: with stands without a frame (housingless stands); with frames representing steel plates, with openings for the installation of bearing supports of working rolls; with frames made of stand; with free-standing frames for each cage made of steel plates. Also, different types of roller drive (using gears and a chain drive), adjustment methods are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of each design are presented. Based on the experience of implementing (mastering) mill designs in relation to the height of the profile of the resulting sheet, it can be noted that for corrugated profiles with a corrugation height of no more than 16 mm, a rolling mill with an intercellular distance of 200...300 mm and a bed representing steel plates, with openings for installing bearing supports of working rolls; for profiles with a corrugation height of more than 16 mm, rolling mills with an intercellular distance of more than 350 mm and beds of stands with guides are optimal. It is rational to drive only the lower rolls in order to reduce the cost of the drive and improve the speed mode. In mills with a bed representing steel plates, with openings and an intercellular distance of up to 300 mm, it is advisable to use a drive of working shafts using gears. And as for rolling mills with an intercellular distance of more than 350 mm and in which the frames are made of stands with guides, it is desirable to equip them with a chain drive of rotation of the working rolls.

Author Biographies

N. V. Tepin, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

V. А. Khrabrov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

S. N. Kniazev, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Tepin Н. В., Khrabrov В. А., & Kniazev С. Н. (2021). Experience in Manufacturing and Mastering Roll Forming Mills for the Production of Profiled Flooring. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 24(4), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2021-4-35-44


