Analysis of Operating Modes of Oil-Immersed Power Transformers with a Voltage of 10 (6) / 0.4 kV
oil power transformers, thermal aging rate of windings insulation, reduction of the nominal service life, higher current harmonics, ambient temperatureAbstract
The rate of thermal aging of the power transformers windings insulation depends on the effects of the electric field, mechanical stresses, temperature and processes that cause changes in these factors. A calculation algorithm is considered that allows determining the temperature of the most heated point of the windings of an oil power transformer at known values of the load current and ambient temperature. Calculation of the most heated winding point temperature and the rate of thermal aging of insulation for an oil power transformer at different ambient temperatures during the year, different values and different spectral composition of the electric load current showed that in some cases it is possible to violate the permissible operating conditions of power transformers. According to the calculation results, the dependences of the thermal aging rate of insulation on the ambient temperature are constructed, with different load parameters and different load coefficients of power transformers. For the considered modes, in the warm season, the value of the thermal aging rate of insulation significantly exceeds the nominal value. Based on mathematical models of oil power transformers with natural and forced oil circulation, expressions are obtained for determining the coefficient of reduction of the oil power transformers permissible load when the ambient temperature exceeds the normal value of 20 °C. On the basis of these expressions, for practical use, the dependences of the coefficient of reduction of the permissible load on the ambient temperature are constructed. The influence of ambient temperature must be taken into account when choosing the power of oil power transformers, for which it is assumed to operate in full redundancy mode or high load factor values (³ 0.8) in normal mode. To ensure the normative service life of the insulation of the windings, it is necessary to determine the design power of oil power transformers using the coefficient of reduction of the permissible load under the influence of higher harmonics of the current and the coefficient of reduction of the permissible load under the influence of ambient temperature.References
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