Improving the Design of the Gas-Mechanical Wave Generator Distributor
gas-mechanical wave generator, mechanism, spool, design, distributorAbstract
In modern industry, the issue of improving the reliability of a particular mechanism is relevant, especially when the work takes place in an aggressive environment. Oil and gas companies are interested than anyone else in solving these problems. This article will give an example of solving one of the problems of modern industry, this is the improvement of the design of the distributor of the gas mechanical waveguide. Such devices are used to generate a deformation wave of flexible elements of gas-hydraulic engines and control the operation of these devices. The use of gas-hydraulic engines with gas-mechanical wave generators is due to their ability to work using the potential energy of the substance transported through the gas pipeline, which allows them to be used in remote regions with a low level of infrastructure development, for example, in the Far North. A little-studied issue is the determination of the moment of distribution mechanism straining and simplification of its design. Variants of the design of the distributor of the gas-mechanical wave generator of the prototype plunger gas-hydraulic engine are considered. The positive and negative aspects of using additional reversing mechanisms in the distributor drive are given. A considered improvements of distributor spool geometry modification are realized by addition of grooves, so that the device is triggered using the pressure of the transported medium. The calculations showed the ways of grooves positioning and determination of their angle displacement to ensure operation. A relation has been obtained that makes it possible to determine the magnitude of the torque that occurs on the shaft of the distributor spool. It has been established that the displacement angle of the spool slots has a significant effect on the magnitude of the torque.References
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