Features of Machine Grinding of Surfaces with a Flap Wheel
grinding, flap wheels, surface roughness, counter feed during grinding, passing feed during grinding, contact zone of the flap wheels with the surfaceAbstract
In order to obtain the necessary shape of long panels and sheaths, the aircraft industry successfully uses a complex technology of shaping. Grinding, as an operation in a complex technological process, is provided after the operation of shot-peen forming before hardening. It is designed to ensure that the roughness and final aerodynamic shape of the surface meet the requirements established by the drawing of the part. To implement this technology, a special installation UDF-4 (shot-impact forming unit) was designed and manufactured at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University. The version of this installation was equipped with a CNC system and a revolver stripping head with 4-flap wheels. The possibility of choosing the necessary flap wheels in the process of grinding, depending on the curvature and width of the treated surface, significantly expanded the technological capabilities of the installation. The elastic abrasive flap wheels of a straight profile used in production have proven themselves well both in terms of grinding performance and tool durability. However, practice has shown that due to the complex impact of abrasive petals during contact with the treated surface, a special zone of uneven impact along the length of the contact of the petals is formed during grinding. The results of experimental studies have shown that the roughness of the treated surface is significantly improved when the direction of movement of the flap wheels feed in the contact zone is changed from oncoming to passing. The paper presents experimental data on studies of changes in surface roughness in the contact zone with the abrasive flap wheels during grinding, depending on the processing modes, as well as the results of an experimental study of the quality of the treated surface with counter and passing feed.References
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