Analysis of Problems of the Power System with a High Proportion of Solar Generation
static stability, dynamic stability, severe short circuit, renewable energy, reactive power, daily generation scheduleAbstract
The rapid development of solar energy has led to the creation of qualitatively new energy systems with a high share of solar generation. The behavior of systems of this kind in certain cases differs significantly from the behavior of traditional energy systems containing the predominant share of thermal power plants. Thus, a significant share of the generation of solar power plants as part of the power system, the lack of an adjustment range for reactive power and the generally accepted concept of modeling a solar power plant lead to the problem of introducing unnecessary restrictions to maintain the stability and reliability of the power system. At the same time, the problems of stability and reliability must be solved simultaneously with the problems of saving energy resources; this is precisely the problem of optimization. The balance between reliability and economy lies in meeting the required restrictions on the cross-sections of the power system. The analysis made it possible to determine the priority directions in the study of the operation of solar power plants as part of a unified energy system. The calculation of the daily schedule of power generation for a set of SESs located in the same meteorological conditions for two seasons of the year has been performed. The real regulation range of reactive power was determined and the analysis of participation in the rating of stability and reliability of power systems was carried out. These results were obtained during the study of the power system of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. One of the main conclusions of this paper is the lack of a general approach in the description of SES together with the control system in mathematical models for calculating steady-state and transient electric power modes. Given the growing trend towards digitalization, this issue is currently becoming more acute. The conclusions made will allow us to set a vector for the development of the study of the issues of connecting the SES to the unified energy system.References
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