Video Compression Performance Evaluation Method in Transmission via a Low-Speed Channel
video compression, video codecs, video processing, video compression quality evaluation, interference resistance of video compression, video frames semantic analysisAbstract
The paper presents an overview of the works devoted to video compression algorithms based on artificial intelligence methods. Two main directions for the development of such algorithms are identified - these are the development of modules for post-processing the results of the work of classical algorithms and the development of algorithms that completely replace existing video codecs. The problems of video compression algorithms performance evaluation criteria are considered. It was found that criteria based on the calculation of the standard deviation, such as PSNR, cannot be used to assess the quality of video data compression algorithms when operating under the influence of radio interference, due to the strong influence on the evaluation result of artifacts that inevitably arise as a result of the effects of this kind of interference. An alternative quality assessment method based on the semantic analysis of frames is proposed, which can be used to assess the noise immunity of video data transmission algorithms. The presented estimation method uses a frame-by-frame comparison of the original and restored video sequence, similar to PSNR. However, unlike the latter, it ignores artifacts that occur during exposure to radio interference, due to the use of semantic frame analysis, which consists in searching for objects in the image using approaches based on artificial intelligence. To compare the found objects on the original and reconstructed frames, an estimate is used based on the geometric position of the found objects in the image. After that, the data indicator is averaged for all frames of the video sequence in order to obtain the resulting similarity indicator of the restored video and the original.References
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