The Matrix Model of Discrete Matching Elements for HF Computational Automatic Tuning Units


  • A. A. Izvolsky 18 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



model, modeling, matrix, matching, tune, four-pole, adequacy


The article is devoted to a new and relevant direction in the HF communication technology - the construction of high-speed computational antenna tuning units (ATU). The implementation of automatic ATU requires the designing of power circuits models adequate, as practice shows, the construction of models to physical reality in order to ensure their controllability. Practically powerful device elements are not in fact concentrated, the distributed nature of their parameters is noticeably manifested in the HF range. Matching ATU on the base of antenna input impedance measuring involves forming of accurate control commands for the elements, especially in conditions where the settings are narrow-band. A new approach to the description of a power circuit discrete elements transforming properties using the theory of linear passive four-pole and matrices, which has the ultimate accuracy, is proposed. A method to form a matrix description of on-off discrete elements of a power circuit based on the results of characteristic field measurements of the mounted device is presented. This approach made it possible to significantly reduce the amount of tabulated data describing the functional dependences of the complex coefficients of wave transmission matrices and to “smooth out” the experimental error. Complex cases are considered, which are of the greatest interest for practice - options for a four-pole cascade and parallel connection of reactive elements in the branches of the power circuit. The current state of computer technology makes it possible to sharply increase the complexity of the mathematical models used. The matrix model takes into account a significant variety of operating factors and does not require them to be “customized” to existing analytical methods. The adequacy, in this simulation, is determined by practical needs that arise in the design of power circuits of matching antenna devices and their tuning algorithms. In fact, the model is considered adequate if the errors in the calculation of the response function according to the model do not exceed the errors in its experimental determination. The proposed matrix approach made it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of modeling, while the error does not exceed 1 %. Also, this approach allows to find several options for setting a given quality and choose the best one for any parameter, while reducing the duration of the process up to 25 times. At the additional metrological advantages appeared in such devices serial production.

Author Biography

A. A. Izvolsky, 18 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Izvolsky А. А. (2022). The Matrix Model of Discrete Matching Elements for HF Computational Automatic Tuning Units. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 25(4), 63–72.


