The Method of Process of Formation of the Tactical and Technical Requirements for Armored Armament and Technology at the Organization of Production


  • A. L. Akhtulov Omsk Armored Engineering Institute
  • K. A. Chutkov Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School
  • D. S. Agafonov Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School



average speed, Mobility indicators, mobility, high-speed tracked vehicle


The experience of conducting a Special military operation confirms the need to improve the characteristics of domestic weapons and military equipment in order to effectively counter Western weapons. Effective counteraction can be provided by improving the basic properties of the combat effectiveness of weapons and military equipment. Taking into account the high level of effectiveness of the intelligence means used by the enemy, which make it possible to quickly determine the location of weapons and military equipment complexes used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the use of high-precision weapons with satellite guidance systems on the target, a special role is played by such a property of combat effectiveness as mobility. Military tracked vehicles, which are the main means of ensuring the mobility of troops, are represented by a large variety, which is associated with their functional purpose. Regardless of the functional purpose, the main evaluation indicator of military tracked vehicles is their combat effectiveness, one of the most important properties of which is mobility. The improvement of the main mobility indicators should begin with a revision of the tactical and technical requirements for weapons and military equipment complexes, after which it is necessary to search for ways to achieve the newly formed tactical and technical requirements. At this stage, methods of assessing the impact of the use of a particular technical solution on the characteristics of weapons and military equipment in general are of particular importance. For a comparative assessment of tracked vehicles of various designs, as well as to assess the impact of the use of new technical solutions on the main indicators of mobility characteristics, a methodology is needed to assess the impact of diesel engine characteristics on the mobility indicators of a military tracked vehicle. The article presents a methodology for assessing the influence of diesel engine characteristics on the mobility indicators of military tracked vehicles, which allows calculating the average speed of a military tracked vehicle depending on the obtained characteristics of a diesel engine based on the probabilistic operating modes of the engine. The developed technique is implemented in a software package for electronic computers.

Author Biographies

A. L. Akhtulov, Omsk Armored Engineering Institute

DSc in Engineering, Professor

K. A. Chutkov, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

DSc in Engineering

D. S. Agafonov, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Akhtulov А. Л., Chutkov К. А., & Agafonov Д. С. (2023). The Method of Process of Formation of the Tactical and Technical Requirements for Armored Armament and Technology at the Organization of Production. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 26(2), 69–75.


