Process Approach in Determining the Accounting Model and Quality Cost Analysis


  • D. V. Antipov Samara National Research University
  • O. G. Gubanova Samara National Research University



process approach, quality Management System, efficiency, cost classification, quality costs


Every year the requirements of consumers to the quality of products are steadily increasing and expanding. A company seeking to strengthen its position in a competitive market must constantly invest in quality. To determine the volume of investments, making strategic decisions, complete and reliable information on the costs of quality is required. The backbone of any organization is the business process, so the quality cost model should reflect the total costs of each process, not randomly selected quality costs. The process approach in the classification of quality costs allows raising hidden costs to the surface, which makes it possible to evaluate and optimize them. Since not all quality costs are obvious, this makes them difficult to accurately measure and quantify. There are also many areas where quality assurance activities and processes overlap. To determine the classification of quality costs based on a process approach, the article uses a typical process model of a quality management system for an automotive enterprise and an optimal quality model, also known as the Prevention-Assessment-Failure (PAF) model. This classification in the future will allow you to analyze and manage quality costs, and will also become a source of necessary information for making strategic decisions. Thus, with the help of this classification of costs, it is possible to achieve a balance between meeting the quality requirements of consumers and the costs incurred for this purpose. Also, the classification of quality costs presented in the article makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of measures aimed at improving quality, and, in general, the effectiveness of the quality management system implemented at the enterprise.

Author Biographies

D. V. Antipov, Samara National Research University

DSc in Engineering, Professor

O. G. Gubanova, Samara National Research University



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How to Cite

Antipov Д. В., & Gubanova О. Г. (2023). Process Approach in Determining the Accounting Model and Quality Cost Analysis. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 26(3), 41–52.


