Control of Dynamic Biped Walking Robot


  • A. P. Borina St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University



control system, dynamic stability, inverted pendulum, equations of motion, walking machine


The objective of this article is to present control algorithms of biped dynamic walking robot. A mathematical model of the walking robot is compiled. The construction of the robot is based on minimalist design principles - absolutely solid body with two legs. Analytical dependencies between six coordinates of the body, coordinates of the left and right legs and absolute coordinates of the feet are defined. The block diagram of control system is presented. Differential equations of walking are compiled. The dynamic stability of biped walking robot near the required trajectory is provided by discrete control of the parameters: «when and where to put foot». To define these parameters, it is proposed to use an inverted mathematical pendulum as an ideal mechanism. Its linearized differential equations allow present the feet coordinates according to the measured initial and final parameters (at the begging and at the end of the step). The article paid particular attention to results of such control method with various walking modes. The coordinates of the robot body, its velocities and accelerations, angles of rotation were investigated. Calculations confirmed the small deviations of the proposed model of walking from the ideal one. The developed methodology allows improve the construction and control system of biped dynamic walking robots at the design stage. Some of the tasks, it can be used: design machines simulating human walking, with high speed and maneuverability, with point feet and synchronized with natural uncontrolled movements.

Author Biography

A. P. Borina, St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University

инженер центра «Стратегии и инвестиции»


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How to Cite

Borina А. П. (2024). Control of Dynamic Biped Walking Robot. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 26(4), 4–12.


