The Amount of Circulation when Forming the Aerodynamic Appearance of a Main Aircraft
Additional aerodynamic surfaces (Wingtips, Winglet), vector of parameters, element design, aircraftAbstract
The work proposed by the authors describes the mechanism for the formation of induced drag for a wing of finite span, as well as a possible option for taking into account the circulation value as a control parameter in the process of preliminary design of a mainline aircraft wing equipped with additional aerodynamic surfaces (wing tips, winglets).Providing the least frictional resistance is achieved by the smoothness of the wing surface in combination with laminar profiles (with the greatest length of the laminar section of the boundary layer), when critical values of the M number are reached, supersonic zones appear on the wing, therefore it is necessary to delay the occurrence of the wave crisis as much as possible - apply the sliding effect for the swept wing of the final scope. A reduction in inductive drag can be achieved by using a high aspect ratio wing or various types of wing tips, which make it possible to control the amount of circulation and localize the process of pressure flow near the end part of a wing of finite span by increasing the effective span. The study of the flow around an aerodynamic model of a mainline aircraft formed the basis of the conceptual model and mathematical support that implements the methodology for selecting the composition of rational design parameters. The identified experimental data and functional dependencies made it possible to form a vector of parameters for a formal aerodynamic model, connecting the geometry of the aircraft model (shape) and its aerodynamic characteristics through dimensionless coefficients for various operating characteristics. Analysis of the results and subsequent processing in order to synthesize a design solution on a validation basis involves the use of a formalized multi-parameter approach, i.e. machine (computer) processing is required. The implementation of a multi-parameter approach in application software in the C++ programming language will allow us to explore and establish connections between parameters and obtain a new version of the design alternative using a smaller amount of data.References
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