Mathematical Model Development of an In-Line Robotic Complex Mechanical System


  • D. N. Kuchev Perm National Research Polytechnic University



mechanical system statics, new robot design, support and clamping robots, robotic devices, pipeline accidents, in-line inspection, industrial pipelines


The article considers the problem of pipeline inspection of the Russian Federation, provides brief statistics on failures of various purpose industrial pipelines, presents the causes of accidents, analyzes technical solutions for pipeline timely inspection using in-line robotic devices, proposes a new design of an in-line robotic complex with the possibility of movement along complex geometry sections, a study presents the mathematical description development of an in-line robotic complex mechanical system for the subsequent creation of a motion control system for the device moving inside the pipeline. The research uses methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization of scientific experience in the field of automated in-tube devices, methods of theoretical mechanics, mechatronics and robotics. As a result, a mathematical description of a statically balanced mechanical system transition into the movement of the device is obtained when тяги расч с ;F F> relations of design parameters and its orientation on scalar values of wheel propeller reaction forces are obtained; thus, for a device weight of 12 kg, the orientation of the pipeline inclination angle of 0 degrees and the minimum clamping force of wheel propellers, the resulting reaction forces of the supports is 117.6 N. The obtained relations make it possible to determine the gravity distribution between the supporting legs with respect to design parameters of an automated device, as well as its orientation, while the wheel propeller reaction forces are the main component in determining the device traction force. In turn, this allows calculation of the required forces on the supporting legs to maintain the device spatial position with respect to the orientation angles ( ),,θ α to move the inspecting equipment of the device to the required diagnostic position relative to the pipeline and to select an electric motor. The results of the study can be used in the development of in-line robotic devices of the push-pull type.

Author Biography

D. N. Kuchev, Perm National Research Polytechnic University



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How to Cite

Kuchev Д. Н. (2024). Mathematical Model Development of an In-Line Robotic Complex Mechanical System. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(1), 4–13.


