Causes of Damage to the Pressure Gauge Installed on the Process Pipeline


  • V. S. Repyakh Orenburg State University
  • S. Y. Reshetov Orenburg State University
  • G. A. Kleshchareva Orenburg State University
  • E. V. Kushnarenko Orenburg State University



corrosion ulcers, pittings, cracks, spectral analysis, Fractographic Studies, fracture, visual and measuring control


During the operation of technological pipelines and equipment the transporting and processing media contain aggressive components, such as hydrogen sulfide dissolved in reservoir water, damage often occurs causing significant material problems, such as hydrogen sulfide cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, delamination, ulcers, pitting and others. Moreover, such damage can be observed not only on the main, but also on auxiliary and monitoring equipment, which failure can lead to significant material and environmental consequences. In particular, this article discusses the main causes of pressure gauge spring destruction, leading to failure of pressure gauge control the technological process of supplying hydrocarbon raw materials on the process pipeline. The results of damage studies of a tubular pressure gauge spring are presented in order to determine the causes of its destruction. To this end, the following measures were carried out: visual and measuring control (VIC); fractographic and metallographic studies, microhardness measurement of the spring metal, as well as spectral analysis of the chemical composition of the manometric spring metal. The conducted research allowed us to formulate the main conclusions about the destruction causes of a pressure gauge spring having a plane-oval cross-section: firstly, the chemical composition of the spring and pressure gauge holder materials fully comply with the declared by the enterprise operating it; secondly, the microhardness of the spring material itself does not meet the requirements of the NACE MR0175 standard; and thirdly, based on the first two conclusions and guided by the results of fractographic studies, it was found that stress concentrators are the cause of the destruction of the manometric spring under study, namely corrosion ulcers, which, during operation of the manometric spring in a complex stress state and exposure to hydrogen sulfide-containing working medium, led to the nucleation of microcracks and hydrogen sulfide cracking of the manometric spring metal, which has increased hardness and sensitivity to stress concentration.

Author Biographies

V. S. Repyakh, Orenburg State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

S. Y. Reshetov, Orenburg State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

G. A. Kleshchareva, Orenburg State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

E. V. Kushnarenko, Orenburg State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Repyakh В. С., Reshetov С. Ю., Kleshchareva Г. А., & Kushnarenko Е. В. (2024). Causes of Damage to the Pressure Gauge Installed on the Process Pipeline. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(1), 63–72.


