Advanced Algorithms for Configuring Discrete Antenna Tuning Units of High Frequency Band Using a Quick Search Method for the Points’ Geometric Proximity


  • A. A. Izvolsky 18th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation



neighbor search methods, tree data structures, Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagram, discrete computation geometry, antenna tuning units


Currently, computational algorithms for discrete power circuits of antenna tuning units (ATU) generate strong interest. At the same time, a large number of publications on this topic are devoted to private empirical algorithms and their implementation on specific hardware platforms, without addressing the issues of finding fundamentally new solutions. The desire to increase the reliability of the description of the transformative properties of discrete ATU power circuits at operating frequencies determined the method of their modeling in the form of matrix structures. Such approaches are rigidly connected with the structural construction of the power circuit and require a large amount of matrix calculations with complex numbers. The article shows that the technique of discrete antenna tuning units of high-frequency band belongs to a knowledge area in which emerging problems can be solved using algorithms of computational geometry and data structures. An easily implemented computational algorithm for configuring the ATU discrete circuit using the quick search method for the geometric proximity of points, devoid of the above disadvantages, is proposed. In computational geometry, the concept of natural neighbors is associated with concepts such as Voronoi decomposition, Delaunay triangulation and various tree-like data structures: KD-tree, quad tree, cover tree, vantage-point tree with a viewpoint and others. The application of these methods is promising for the implementation of computational procedures for setting up discrete ATU. However, their execution on microcontrollers is a rather difficult task that requires a highly qualified programmer. The article discusses an affordable and effective approach using pre-sorting of data and the Inverted List method. This is one of the simplest methods in terms of implementation. It is significantly better than the full search method, although it cannot compete with methods using spatial index structures. The positive effect of using the described algorithms for configuring discrete antenna tuning units of high-frequency band is shown, especially for communication sessions with previously undefined operating frequencies. The effectiveness of quick search methods for geometric proximity of points can be considered proven beyond all dispute.

Author Biography

A. A. Izvolsky, 18th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Izvolsky А. А. (2024). Advanced Algorithms for Configuring Discrete Antenna Tuning Units of High Frequency Band Using a Quick Search Method for the Points’ Geometric Proximity. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(1), 89–101.


