Simulation Modeling of OLSR Routing Protocol Performance in Video Data Transmission from Unmanned Area Vehicle Using Various Mobility Models
OLSR, PDR, Wi-Fi, routing, NS-3, uavAbstract
The article presents the results of simulation modeling of real-time data transmission processes. The main objective of the article was to evaluate the performance of the Optimized Link-State Routing (OLSR) routing protocol when transmitting video data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to a ground station through a relay node using various mobility models in the NS-3 network simulator. The scenario involved a flying source node transmitting real-time video data to a destination node while moving away from it at a specified speed. The study focused on the moment of switching from direct transmission (source node to destination node) to transmission through a relay node (source node to relay node to destination node), with the primary metric being the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). Based on the analysis results, conclusions were drawn regarding the expected performance of the OLSR routing protocol during real mission execution using a relay node to extend the network coverage between the UAV source node and the ground station destination node. Recommendations were also provided for improving PDR metrics, including the use of a method for retransmitting lost fragments at the application level called MS-AL-ARQ.References
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