The Concept of Building an Integrated Digital Ecosystem to Improve the Quality of Products and Services of Defense Industry Enterprises


  • D. K. Shcheglov JSC “North-Western Regional Center of the Concern VKO “Almaz-Antey” - Obukhov plant”
  • A. G. Saybel JSC “North-Western Regional Center of the Concern VKO “Almaz-Antey” - Obukhov plant”



defense-industrial complex, digital ecosystem concept, quality Management System, digital ecosystem


Research and development of systems for managing material, technical, and intellectual resources are key directions for improving manufacturing processes in the modern world. In recent years, the question of integrating various management systems has become particularly relevant due to the widespread adoption of quality management systems and their certification to meet current regulatory requirements. This study attempts to merge the advantages of using product lifecycle information support technologies, such as data and information management, with the concept of digital twins, including virtual design, digital product modeling, and real-time analysis. The analysis covers the constituent elements of the generalized product design and manufacturing process, addressing the construction of an integrated digital ecosystem to enhance the quality of products and services in the defense-industrial complex. This ecosystem is based on the integration of technologies for continuous product information support using their digital twins and an integrated quality management system. It is shown that the approach to evaluating the effectiveness of purposeful processes should be complemented by a risk-oriented model, which includes response scenarios to potential adverse effects of the operation of the purposeful organizational-technical system. A structural scheme and formalized description of a generalized product information support model are presented, allowing for the integration of specific quality indicators into a unified strategic outcome. Ultimately, a concept for building an integrated digital ecosystem for defense-industrial enterprises is proposed, aimed at enhancing the overall quality of products and services.

Author Biographies

D. K. Shcheglov, JSC “North-Western Regional Center of the Concern VKO “Almaz-Antey” - Obukhov plant”

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. G. Saybel, JSC “North-Western Regional Center of the Concern VKO “Almaz-Antey” - Obukhov plant”

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shcheglov Д. К., & Saybel А. Г. (2024). The Concept of Building an Integrated Digital Ecosystem to Improve the Quality of Products and Services of Defense Industry Enterprises. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(2), 25–36.


