Software System SPDIAL
worm gear, spiroid gear, CAD system for gearsAbstract
Spiroid gears are direct competitors to traditional technical solutions - worm and hypoid gears; and they have proven themselves in a large number of specific technical applications, providing greater strength, smaller size, and easier production. However, their design process is much less subject to being typical and standard and to resulting in simple engineering techniques. In fact, effective solutions can be obtained only by actually researching the space of parameters. An indispensable tool for this is a computer-aided design and research system. The paper presents the summary of such a system SPDIAL+ for worm-type gears (worm, QN-gears, spiroid) developed at Izhevsk scientific school in the field of gears and gearboxes. In particular, the possibilities of designing a conjugated gear, choice of gearwheel cutting parameters, analysis of gears under the action of errors and loads are considered. The role and results of applying the program as the main tool for research, design and innovations like new varieties of gears, their new properties in specific applications, new methods and techniques of tooth machining are shown.References
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