Theoretical Substantiation of Methods for Reducing the Near-Side Radiation of Antennas for an Earth Satellite Communication Station


  • S. V. Zinkin Penza State University



satellite communication station, lateral radiation of antennas, reduction method


Within the framework of this article, various methods of reducing the lateral radiation of the antenna are considered, which mainly relate to the angular directions directly adjacent to the direction of the main radiation of the antenna for an earth satellite communication station. The relevance of this issue is beyond doubt, since it is the behavior of the antenna's diagrammatic orientation in this area that most significantly determines the electromagnetic compatibility of various satellite communication systems. The presence of axial shading leads to a significant increase in the near side lobes. The specified deformation of directional properties in a certain plane can be eliminated by using an additional radiator, the phase center of which in this plane coincides with the phase center of the antenna. Shadow radiation compensation is carried out only in a beam of regions close to the plane perpendicular to the straight line connecting the centers of the main and auxiliary antennas. The angular compensation area can be significantly expanded if the phase centers of the main and auxiliary antennas are combined. This rather trivial conclusion is still waiting for its non-trivial technical implementation. Wide-angle compensation of lateral radiation is proposed to be carried out by two auxiliary antennas located parallel to the suppression plane. The best results can be obtained by optimizing the opening shape of the auxiliary radiators. Studies show that the optimal variant of the directional pattern occurs when the mentioned irradiators are made in the form of rectangles with a length of 0,295 and a height of 0,117 from the opening radius of the main antenna, and the distribution in the openings of the auxiliary antennas is cosine-shaped. In this case, it is possible to suppress the radiation level to -40 dB.

Author Biography

S. V. Zinkin, Penza State University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Zinkin С. В. (2024). Theoretical Substantiation of Methods for Reducing the Near-Side Radiation of Antennas for an Earth Satellite Communication Station. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(2), 70–75.


