Distortion of Magnetic Fields Near a Steel Construction. Modeling
modeling, building reinforcement, steel structures, magnetic fieldAbstract
Natural variations of the Earth's magnetic field and its man-made distortions are considered. The rules and regulations in force in the Russian Federation for staying and living in places with a distortion of the Earth's magnetic field are analyzed. Existing methods for eliminating distorted magnetic fields inside residential and work premises are considered. Modeling of distortions of the Earth's magnetic field by building materials was carried out and the influence of their location in space on the overall picture of the resulting magnetic field was shown. To modeling the influence of reinforcement of reinforced concrete constructions on the resulting magnetic field, 6 models of the location of reinforcing bars and their groups were used: one reinforcing bar magnetized against the Earth’s magnetic field and along the Earth’s field; 4 reinforcing bars each, magnetized against the Earth’s magnetic field and magnetized in an alternating manner; the simplest model of a residential structure or public building with 36 reinforcing bars magnetized against the Earth’s magnetic field and with 36 magnetized bars in different directions. Near the model of a rod with magnetization along the Earth’s magnetic field, there are hypogeomagnetic fields. Near the models of a reinforcing bar and four reinforcing bars magnetized against the Earth’s magnetic field, there are no hypogeomagnetic zones and changes in the direction of the magnetic field strength vectors, but strong increases in the resulting magnetic field can be observed - 500 times or more. Near models with 4 reinforcing bars magnetized in an alternating manner, there are the most dangerous zero values of magnetic field strength at a distance of 1 m. Inside the model with 36 reinforcing bars there is a hypogeomagnetic field in the very center of the model and a change in the direction of the magnetic field strength vectors. Near the model with 36 magnetized rods in different directions, a more even resulting magnetic field is observed without sharp changes in its direction and absolute value. Methods have been proposed for eliminating magnetic pathogenic zones at the stages of installation and construction of building that have ferromagnetic materials in their design.References
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