Innovations in Engineering and Technology of Worm-Type Gears
innovations, spiroid gear, worm gearAbstract
Relatively small changes in engineering and technology of traditional established products turn over time into a series of milestones that determine both technical characteristics and production methods, and as a consequence - the competitiveness of the final product. Accordingly, it is relevant to periodically look at the evolution of the accumulated solutions and make some conclusions on it. For this purpose, the paper reviews innovations in design and production of worm-type gears obtained in Izhevsk scientific school in the field of gears for the last two decades: spiroid gears operating at low rotational speeds and transmitting high loads, leading to plastic deformations due to compactness of gears; spiroid gears with small gear ratios (3...8) competing with more expensive in production bevel and hypoid ones; worm gears with steel hardened gearwheels with increased strength and manufacturability; planetary spiroid gears providing extremely high gear ratio, improved methods and techniques of design and preproduction of gear cutting. The paper presents the review of innovations in design of worm-type gears made in Izhevsk scientific school in the field of gears for the last two decades: spiroid gears for cases of low speeds and small gear ratios, worm gears with steel hardened gearwheels, planetary and spiroid gears, improved methods and techniques of design and preparation of gear cutting.References
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