Development of a Mathematical Model of a Highly Maneuverable Robot for Simulation of Robots with Different Types of Designs


  • S. A. Trefilov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • G. V. Khodyrev IRZ-Svyaz LLC



simulation modeling, robot control algorithm, highly maneuverable robot, mobile robotics


The article presents the results of developing a mathematical model and simulation modeling of a three-wheeled highly maneuverable mobile robot. A mathematical model of the robot in the state space has been developed. The possibility of using this robot with rotary modules for analyzing and testing control algorithms for robots of various designs has been considered. The relevance of the study is justified by the high costs of creating physical models of robots for experimental verification of control algorithms. The proposed three-wheeled mobile robot with rotary modules, where each wheel is simultaneously both a driving and a steering wheel, allows reducing these costs, while maintaining the ability to simulate part of the real operating conditions. Simplified diagrams of the robot are given, the main parameters and equations characterizing the change in linear and angular velocity are described. Particular attention is paid to modeling various types of robot drives: automotive type and with a differential drive. In the discrete state space, equations describing the dynamics of the robot were presented, which allows them to be used in software products for modeling. The results of simulation modeling obtained in the SimInTech software environment confirm the effectiveness of the proposed model. The analysis of the obtained results showed that the use of a three-wheeled robot with rotary modules allows successfully simulating the behavior of robots with other types of drives and creating conditions close to real ones for testing control algorithms. The proposed model can be used to improve the quality of design and testing of control algorithms in robotics, while reducing the costs of creating physical models of robots, as well as in the educational process.

Author Biographies

S. A. Trefilov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

G. V. Khodyrev, IRZ-Svyaz LLC

1st category software technician of the design department


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How to Cite

Trefilov С. А., & Khodyrev Г. В. (2024). Development of a Mathematical Model of a Highly Maneuverable Robot for Simulation of Robots with Different Types of Designs. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(3), 38–48.


