Design of Gearings from Involute-Bevel Gears
machine drives, gearing, involute-bevel gearAbstract
The article presents formulas for determining the dimensions of involute-bevel gears and the gearings composed of them. It examines the most general cases of gearings formation, consisting of two involute-bevel gears with crossing axes (hyperboloid gearings), with intersecting axes (bevel gearings), and with parallel axes (cylindrical gearings). Gearings composed of involute-bevel gears have design, technological, and operational advantages compared to gearings composed of conventional cylindrical and bevel gears. The use of involute-bevel gearings with crossing axes allows for achieving the required contact character of the teeth from localized contact to linear contact, reducing sensitivity to manufacturing and assembly errors, and increasing the load capacity of the gearing compared to helical gearings from cylindrical gears. Bevel gearings with involute-bevel gears allow for the creation of gearings with any desired small shaft angles, which is difficult to achieve with conventional bevel gears. The use of internal meshing bevel gearings with modified tooth profiles in planetary reducers allows for gearings comparable to harmonic drives in terms of power and kinematic characteristics, but with a higher operational life. The use of involute-bevel gears in cylindrical gearings improves the smoothness of the mechanism and allows for adjusting the center distance and backlash in the meshing, making them suitable for backlash-free drives. By combining the taper angles of the gears and the inclination of the teeth, it is possible to create a one-way rotation mechanism - a freewheel mechanism. Modern CAD systems do not take into account the geometry features of gearings composed of involute-bevel gears, which limits their application in technology. The article proposes an algorithm for calculating the main geometric parameters of gearings composed of involute-bevel gears with arbitrary axis placement in space. Examples of geometric calculations of various types of gearings based on the proposed algorithm are provided.References
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Copyright (c) 2024 Борис Александрович Лопатин, Светлана Викторовна Плотникова, Дмитрий Борисович Лопатин

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