Robotized Bottling Line Efficiency Evaluation Based on Simulation Modeling and Operational Performance Metrics
overall equipment effectiveness, production process management, performance optimization, robotic bottling line, simulation modelingAbstract
This study presents a simulation model for assessing the production stability of a robotized bottling line for carbonated beverages into 0.5-liter glass bottles. The goal of the research was to develop a simulation model to analyze factors affecting line operation stability and production balance. The model considers the stochastic characteristics of processing time at each station, the probability of equipment failures and repairs, and the dynamics of buffer filling, enabling the assessment and maintenance of line operation stability. During the simulation, hypotheses were explored regarding the impact of buffer capacity on the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and resource planning processes based on failure frequency data. Simulation results demonstrated that there is an optimal buffer capacity at which line efficiency is maximum. The developed simulation model provides an effective tool for analyzing and optimizing the buffer capacity management process within a bottling line. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the integration of stochastic methods and production process dynamics with the probability of quality indicator variation at each stage. The practical significance of the work lies in the model’s direct applicability for optimizing production lines and enhancing their market competitiveness.References
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