Research and Development of Recommendations for Improving the Technology of Manufacturing and Preparing for Operation of Hard-Alloy Cutting Tools


  • V. L. Koryukhin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. A. Shilyaev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. V. Shchenyatsky Kalashnikov ISTU



metalworking, hard alloys, tool wear resistance, brazed carbide plates, cutting tools


Analysis of existing technological methods of manufacturing and preparation for operation of carbide cutting tools showed that low performance of carbide tools is associated with failures due to the following reasons: destruction of the integrity of the cutting part of the tool; loss of shape of the cutting part of the tool, as well as physical and chemical wear of the contact pads of the cutting tool. It was found that the quality of soldering of brazed carbide plates is affected by a large number of factors, such as the grade of the holder body material; carbide plate material; solder and flux grade; inductor characteristics and power; distance between the inductor and the soldering zone; degree of wetting of the welded surfaces, etc. The work is devoted to the issues of improving the technology of manufacturing and preparation for operation of carbide cutting tools in order to increase its productivity, wear resistance, reliability and cost-effectiveness. The analysis of complaints about the identified non-compliance of the quality of the manufactured tool with soldered carbide plates is carried out, which shows non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation in terms of the soldered seam. The main reason for the destruction of cutters is a violation of the soldering technology - unsoldered. A review of works in the field of improving the performance characteristics of cutting tools with hard alloy plates is carried out, while issues related to the soldering processes and preparation of surfaces for soldering have not been fully resolved. To prevent the formation of soldering defects in tools with hard alloy plates, strict adherence to welding technology and reliable quality control in the production process are primarily necessary. The conducted studies allow us to formulate the main issues related to the development of an updated process instruction that takes into account the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

Author Biographies

V. L. Koryukhin, Kalashnikov ISTU


S. A. Shilyaev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. V. Shchenyatsky, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Koryukhin В. Л., Shilyaev С. А., & Shchenyatsky А. В. (2024). Research and Development of Recommendations for Improving the Technology of Manufacturing and Preparing for Operation of Hard-Alloy Cutting Tools. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 27(4), 90–100.


