Ключевые слова:
экономический кластер, методики формирования кластеров, факторы экономического роста, экономическое пространство регионаАннотация
Проведен анализ зарубежного опыта пространственного сосредоточения предприятий. С этой целью проанализированы методики формирования экономических кластеров, предложенные для стран Европы и Америки.Библиографические ссылки
Rosenfeld Martin T. W., Franz Peter, Heimpold Gerhard. Wo liegen die Okonomischen Entwicklungskerne Ostdeutschlands? Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zu den Branchenschwerpunkten, Unternehmensnetzwerken und innovativen Kompetenzfeldern in den ostdeutschen Regionen. - Bundesamt, 2006.
The Economics of Regional Clusters: Networks, Technology and Policy / edited by Uwe Blien, Gunther Maier. -Elgar Publishing Limited, 2009.
Leonardo Monteiro Monasterio. Clusters and the spatial structure of wages in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): a multilevel approach. - 2008.
Litzel Nicole, Moller Joachim. -Measuring Specialisation and Concentration in Regional Clusters An Empirical Analysis for Eastern Bavaria <http://epub.uni-regensburg.de/421> Clusters. - Wonder Tool of Regional Policy. - 2006.
Rosenfeld Martin T. W., Peter Franz, Heimpold Gerhard. The Pattern of Spatially Concentrated Industries in East Germany - A Contribution to the Discussion on Economic "Clusters"// ERSA conference papers, European Regional Science Association, 2005.
Brenner T. An Identification of Local Industrial Clusters in Germany // Regional Studies, forthcoming, 2006.
Brenner T. Local Industrial Clusters: Existence, Emergence and Evolution. - London : Routledge, 2004.
URL: http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/bitstream/ 10419/31825/1/518422496.pdf
Duque Juan C., Rey Sergio J., Gomez Dairo A. Identifying Industry Clusters in Colombia Based on Graph Theory. - 2009.
URL: http://www.banrep.gov.co/docum/ensayos/pdf/ espe_059-1.pdf
Ketels Christian. European clusters // Structural Change in Europe 3, 1-5. - Bollschweil, Germany : Habarth Publications, 2004.
Feser Edward. Industry cluster concepts in innovation policy: A comparison of U.S. and Latin American experience. - 2005.
URL: http://www.urban.illinois.edu/faculty/feser/Pubs/ Cluster_Building.pdf