Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The title is oriented to engineers, researchers, heads of industrial enterprises and research organizations, post-graduate students and applicants for scientific degrees and academic ranks.

The main tasks are generalization of scientific and practical achievements in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Robots, Radio engineering and communications, increase scientific and practical qualifications as researchers and industry representatives. The journal covers the following fields of science:

  • System analysis, control and information processing
  • Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software complexes
  • Measurement instruments and methods (by measurement types)
  • Navigation instruments
  • Optical and optical-electronic instruments and complexes
  • Methods and instruments for control and diagnostics of materials, products, substances and natural environment
  • Metrology and metrological provision
  • Information-measuring and control systems
  • Medical instruments, systems and products
  • Computerization and control of technological processes and productions
  • Management in organizational systems

The main concept is the publication of the latest achievements in these areas, including the results of national and international research.

The results of basic and applied research, as well as the results, obtained under production conditions are publishes in the journal.

Section Policies

Mathematics and mechanics (only archive)

New numerical methods and algorithms of solving the tasks of continuum mechanics; mathematical models of technical and manufacturing systems; application of neural network methods, fuzzy logics methods for system analysis and synthesis.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering (only archive)

New techniques in the field of metallurgical and chemical engineering; investigations devoted to increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes with application of new methods of Energy data analysis.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems

Methods of design and techniques of manufacture of measuring devices for different technical systems; theoretical methods of circuit engineering.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Informatics, Computer Science and Control

Computer science combines both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering, electronics, information theory, mathematics, logic, and human behavior.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Earth sciences (only archive)

Scientific investigations of influence of industrial production on ecology; methods and algorithms of analysis and simulation of geophysical processes.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Computer linguistics (only archive)

Development of mathematical models to describe natural languages; application of intelligent methods of processing the language information.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Energy engineering (only archive)

Scientific investigations of development of energy saving techniques; development of mathematical models of production and consumption of electrical and heat energy.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Nano techniques (only archive)

Mathematical modeling and experiments studies of nano structures; development of techniques of nano materials production and application.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

1. The journal reviews all submitted to editor’s office materials that correspond to its subject matter to make a peer-review.

2. All reviewers are acknowledged experts in themes of materials to be reviewed and have publications on the themes of the reviewed paper during previous 3 years.

3. An authorized person submits manuscript to reviewer in hard copy. The author does not propose a potential reviewer.

4. Manuscript is submitted to the reviewer responsible for a specific subdivision of the journal. A paper is assessed according to criteria: relevance of research, novelty of the conducted research, matching content and originality level of the paper, contribution to the development of corresponding scientific areas, practical application in industry and economy.

5.Type of review is unilateral and anonymous (“blind”). Author does not know about manuscript reviewer. As a rule, review length constitutes 1 or 2 pages A4 format.

6. A review is submitted to the Editor in Chief deputy (responsible for publication), who informs author/authors about reviews. In case of positive review, the paper is accepted for publication and the process of its editorial processing, arranging details and integration into issue.

7. In case when the manuscript needs improvement, it can be accepted for publication only after correction of all remarks. In this case, the author takes paper, makes improvements, additions, explanations, and processes of review and manuscript submission are repeated until the manuscript is either accepted for publication or finally rejected.

8. If manuscript receives a negative review those of inaccurate information violating ethical standards of scientific publications, it is not accepted for publication.

9. Reviews are kept within publishers and in editor’s office of the journal during 5 years.

10. Editor’s office of the journal sends review copies to the author of submitted manuscripts or reasonable rejections, and takes responsibility to send review copies to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

11. Publisher provides persistent storage of the published scientific articles, their availability to the authors upon request.

12. Publisher provides the established order legal deposit peer-reviewed scientific publications in the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, the National Library of the Udmurt Republic.

Publication Frequency

The magazine is published quarterly.

Articles are published in the relevant thematic sections: Energy, metallurgical and chemical engineering; Device engineering, metrology, measuring equipment and systems; Earth sciences. There is an additional section «Brief communications».

Articles within each section are placed in alphabetical order (by surname of the first author) Inside the alphabetical section.

All the volumes are next.

Number of copies printed is 500 copies.

Publication Fee

Publication for students, Master degree students and post-graduates of Kalashnikov ISTU is free.

Journal charges for publishing articles to the authors, including this of peer-review management, manuscript processing, journal production, Open-Access, online hosting and archiving. Please contact us for detailes.

Editorial board


Vladimir A. Alekseyev, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Academic Secretary of Kalashnikov ISTU; e-mail: alekseevv@istu.ru; (RSCI, SCOPUS, ORCID)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Valentin A. Tenenev, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Deputy editor-in-chief, Responsible for release, Professor of “Higher mathematics” department; Kalashnikov ISTU; (SCOPUS)

Olga V. Muravieva, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Kalashnikov ISTU; (SCOPUSResearcherID)


Victor A. Baranov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Russian language center, Head of "Linguistics" department, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Sergey V. Vologdin, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS), (ORCID).

Maxim M. Gorokhov, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Oleg K. Gusev, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk (Belarus); (SCOPUS), (ORCID).

Viktor. A. Kulikov, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Aleksandr I. Korshunov, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU (Votkinsk Department), Senior Researcher of Institute of Mechanics (Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science); (SCOPUS), (ORCID).

Aleksey M. Lavrentiev, Senior Researcher, ICAR Research Lab — CNRS, Université de Lyon, ASLAN Labex, Lyon (France); (SCOPUS).

Vitaly V. Muravyev, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Head of "Devices and methods of quality control" department, Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUSORCID).

Mikhail A. Pletnev, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of administration "Centre of strategic initiatives and research", Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUSORCID).

Alexander A. Potapov, Senior Researcher, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), Moscow (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS), (SCOPUS), (ResearcherID).

Alexander P. Tyurin, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUSORCID).

Sergey V. Umnyashkin, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Department of Higher mathematics N 1, Moscow State Institute of Electronics (Technical University) (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Vladimir V. Khvorenkov, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU; Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Sergey N. Khramov, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation).

Sergey I. Yuran,  DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Boris A. Yakimovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Grigorij I. Yakovlev,  DSc in Engineering, Professor of Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk (Russian Federation); (SCOPUS).

Božek, Pavol, Prof., PhD., Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Institute of Production Technologies (Slovakia); (SCOPUSORCID).

Kudláček, Jan, Ing., Ph.D., Vice-head of Department of Manufacturing Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic); (SCOPUSORCID).

Galvão, João Rafael, Professor and Researcher of the School of Technology and Management, PhD, Professor Adjunct, Leiria Politechnic Institute (Portugal); (SCOPUSORCID).

Pivarčiová, Elena, Dr., Professor of Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, Slovakia; (SCOPUS)

Szalay, Tibor, Dr., Associate prof., Head of Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary); (SCOPUSORCID).

Sources of Support

FOUNDER: Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


Phone: +7 (3412) 776055 #1175

Fax: +7 (3412) 583877

Adress: 7, Studencheskaya Street, Izhevsk, Russia, 426069


Journal History

The journal is published since 2003 periodically twice a year. Since January 2015 the periodicity is 4 issues per year.