Comparative Analysis of Measurement Systems Using One-Factor Experiments


  • A. I. Emelyanov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • I. V. Abramov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. I. Abramov Kalashnikov ISTU



laser rangefinder, LIDAR-device, optical systems, measurement error, distance to target, deviation of mean values


When using optical measurement systems to scan an area of space, the problem arises of determining the optimal range of scanning with a minimum deviation during the measurement of the distance to the target. Comparison of the results of measurements obtained by the LIDAR-device and the laser range finder allows for obtaining a reliable estimate of the spread of data when measuring the distance to a given object. The one-factor model of the experiment presented in the form of a planning matrix with the subsequent determination of the calculated values of the Cochran and Student criteria for the regression equation for the main and auxiliary measurement systems is necessary to determine the adequacy of the coefficients of the regression equation by the Fisher criterion. The adequacy of the coefficients makes it possible to use the experiment model associated with the LIDAR-device when scanning a space region and constructing a room map without applying special algorithms necessary to minimize the deviation of the array data with the x and y coordinates. The paper presents comparative analysis of single-factor models obtained in the course of experimental studies with subsequent calculation of the calculated values of the above criteria of the regression equation and determination of the expediency of using a LIDAR-device for scanning space without additional data processing algorithms. In the experimental studies, the following measurement systems are used: pulse laser rangefinder Bosch DLE-40 and LIDAR-device Hokuyo UTM-30LN.

Author Biographies

A. I. Emelyanov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student

I. V. Abramov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. I. Abramov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Emelyanov А. И., Abramov И. В., & Abramov А. И. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Measurement Systems Using One-Factor Experiments. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 16(3), 84–89.


