Mathematical Model and Information Technologies for Decision Support on Personnel Training Management for Construction Companies


  • O. B. Goltsova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • V. S. Klekovkin Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • E. V. Goltsova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



training management, mathematical model, information technology, decision support


This paper presents a decision support model for managing the training of construction specialties personnel, implemented by calculating the integrated assessment of student competence. The assessment of competence is calculated by means of the information system, using the fuzzy inference method. For the student, this assessment shows the real level of skills and knowledge that will help him assess their capabilities when applying for jobs and admission to the Master's Degree. For the University, this assessment of competence will help increase the objectivity of the results of assessing the faculty staff. It is one of the tools to adjust the work program for the next courses to employers' needs. The objectivity of the assessment is realized through the use of an algorithm that takes into account expert and mathematical methods in forming the requirements for students' knowledge and skills and the use of a combination of the above methods in the final results of the integral assessment of competence. This model was tested at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University; the assessment was carried out for construction specialties students. Experts from 12 construction organizations of the Udmurt Republic were involved as experts. An information system "Competence" was created and implemented on the University website. This information system made it possible to reduce expenses on data collection and processing significantly. This model can also be implemented in other engineering specialties. 


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How to Cite

Goltsova О. Б., Klekovkin В. С., & Goltsova Е. В. (2020). Mathematical Model and Information Technologies for Decision Support on Personnel Training Management for Construction Companies. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(4), 76–83.


