The Concept Of Developing Unmanned Self-Propelled Vehicles


  • A. M. Lipanov Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S. A. Petrushin LLC "RCR"
  • A. L. Kuznetsov Kalashnikov ISTU



BSKA, exploration of the Moon and Mars, lunar program, unmanned self-propelled vehicles, mars rover, Moon rover


The article discusses conceptual designs for development of unmanned self-propelled wheeled vehicles to study space bodies such as the Mars and the Moon. All previously used designs were conceptually developed in the 1960s on the basis of the Russian space school and have shown them to advantage, although they had some serious drawbacks. At present, when the race to conquer space of the Moon and Mars is underway, where more and more new "players" are included, the development of self-propelled propellers capable of not only to move, but also to perform very complex research functions for a long period of time seems to be a very difficult and urgent task. A group of scientists carrying out research on the developing of an unmanned self-propelled wheeled vehicle capable of transporting wounded miners from the mines or fighters from the battlefield have developed a fundamentally new conceptual design based on two-wheeled modules connected by a unique coupling device that provides high stability, passability and reliability. Further tests of the developed unmanned self-propelled wheeled vehicle showed that this concept can be successfully used for development of space objects such as the Moon and Mars. Consultations with specialists of industrial organizations of Udmurtia proved the correctness of the conclusions and confirmed the technical possibilities of implementing this project at their production facilities. Considering that the industrial enterprises of the Udmurt Republic have all the necessary competencies in the development of spacecraft control systems, the production of unique electric motors and materials capable of operating in extreme space conditions gives the right to consider the proposed concept as a very promising development that has no analogues in the world and provides technological superiority in the process of exploration of the Moon and Mars.

Author Biographies

A. M. Lipanov, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

DSc. in Engineering, Prof., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

S. A. Petrushin, LLC "RCR"

PhD in Engineering, Deputy Director of LLC "RCR"(Izhevsk)

A. L. Kuznetsov, Kalashnikov ISTU

Doctor of Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Lipanov А. М., Petrushin С. А., & Kuznetsov А. Л. (2023). The Concept Of Developing Unmanned Self-Propelled Vehicles. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 21(1), 14–22.


