Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The title is oriented to engineers, researchers, heads of industrial enterprises and research organizations, post-graduate students and applicants for scientific degrees and academic ranks.

The main tasks are generalization of scientific and practical achievements in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Robots, Radio engineering and communications, increase scientific and practical qualifications as researchers and industry representatives. The journal covers the following fields of science:

  • Friction and wear in machines
  • Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing
  • Mechanical engineering technology
  • Pressure shaping technologies and machines
  • Welding, allied processes and technologies
  • Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices
  • Antennas, UHF-devices and their technologies
  • Telecommunication systems, networks and devices
  • Radiolocation and radionavigation
  • Machine science
  • Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems
  • Methods and instruments for control and diagnostics of materials, products, substances and natural environment
  • Quality management of products. Standardization. Organization of production

The main concept is the publication of the latest achievements in these areas, including the results of national and international research.

The results of basic and applied research, as well as the results, obtained under production conditions are publishes in the journal.

Section Policies

Mechanical engineering

New numerical methods and algorithms of solving the tasks of continuum mechanics; mathematical models of technical and manufacturing systems; application of neural network methods, fuzzy logics methods for system analysis and synthesis.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Economics (only archive)

Management in social and economic systems; Economics and management of national economy; mathematical and instrumental methods of economics; organization of production; standardization and quality control of products; system analysis, management and information processing.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Radio engineering and communications

Methods of designing and manufacturing instruments for a variety of technical systems; theoretical methods circuitry.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Informatics, Computer Science and Control (only archive)

Data processing; control of dynamic systems; designing and diagnostics of computing systems; mathematical modeling; computer science and programming.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Mathematics (only archive)

Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics; management problems of mechanical systems; mathematical methods in solid mechanics; Computational Mechanics.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Educational sciences (only archive)

Theory and methods of education; general pedagogy; history of pedagogy and education.

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

1. The journal reviews all submitted to editor’s office materials that correspond to its subject matter to make a peer-review.

2. All reviewers are acknowledged experts in themes of materials to be reviewed and have publications on the themes of the reviewed paper during previous 3 years.

3. An authorized person submits manuscript to reviewer in hard copy. The author does not propose a potential reviewer.

4. Manuscript is submitted to the reviewer responsible for a specific subdivision of the journal. A paper is assessed according to criteria: relevance of research, novelty of the conducted research, matching content and originality level of the paper, contribution to the development of corresponding scientific areas, practical application in industry and economy.

5.Type of review is unilateral and anonymous (“double-blind review”). Author does not know about manuscript reviewer. As a rule, review length constitutes 1 or 2 pages A4 format.

6. A review is submitted to the Editor, who informs author/authors about reviews. In case of positive review, the paper is accepted for publication and the process of its editorial processing, arranging details and integration into issue.

7. In case when the manuscript needs improvement, it can be accepted for publication only after correction of all remarks. In this case, the author takes paper, makes improvements, additions, explanations, and processes of review and manuscript submission are repeated until the manuscript is either accepted for publication or finally rejected.

8. If manuscript receives a negative review those of inaccurate information violating ethical standards of scientific publications, it is not accepted for publication.

9. Reviews are kept within publishers and in editor’s office of the journal during 5 years.

10. Editor’s office of the journal sends review copies to the author of submitted manuscripts or reasonable rejections, and takes responsibility to send review copies to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

11. Publisher provides persistent storage of the published scientific articles, their availability to the authors upon request.

12. Publisher provides the established order legal deposit peer-reviewed scientific publications in the Information Telegraph Agency of Russia (ITAR-TASS), the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, the National Library of the Udmurt Republic.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published quartarely.

Articles are published in the relevant thematic sections: Civil and Structural Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Environmental Engineering. Articles within each section are placed in alphabetical order (by surname of the first author) Inside the alphabetical section.

All the volumes are next.

Number of copies printed is 500 copies.

Author Self-Archiving

The editorial team encourages authors to deposit published articles on the personal Internet pages or/and on academician websites of their affiliate organizations, with obligatory reference to the original publication on this site.

Publication Fee

The journal does not charge a fee for the publication of an manuscript.

Editorial board


Vitaliy V. Murav'ev, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID);

e-mail: pmkk@istu.ru

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Khvorenkov V. V., DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia) (SCOPUSORCID).

e-mail: izdat@istu.ru

Nikitin Yu. R., Cand. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor, Kalashnikov ISTU, (Izhevsk, Russia) (SCOPUSORCID).


Shchenyatsky Aleksey Valerievich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Vakhrushev Aleksandr Vasil'evich, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor; Institute ofMechanics, UB RAS (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS), (ResearcherId).

Pletnev Mikhail Andreevich, DSc in Chemistry, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Korshunov Aleksandr Ivanovich DSc in Engineering, Professor, Institute ofMechanics of UB RAS (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Lenkov Sergei Viktorovich, DSc in Engineering, Associate Prof., Institute of Mechanics of UB RAS (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ReseacherId).

Lipanov Aleksei Matveevich, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Academician of RAS, Institute of Mechanics of UB RAS (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Mamayev Ivan Sergeevich, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Muravyeva Olga Vladimirovna, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCIDResearcherID);

Tenenev Valentin Alekseevich, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Ushakov Petr Arkhipovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Yakimovich Boris Anatol'evich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Sevastopol State University (Sevastopol, Izhevsk), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Yakovlev Grigorii Ivanovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Bazulin Evgenii Gennadievich, DSc in Engineering, Deputy Director on Scientific Issues of SPC "Echo+" (Moscow, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Batayev Vladimir Andreevich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Vavilov Vladimir Platonovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ReseacherId).

Gerasimov Sergei Ivanovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Siberian Transport University (Novosibirsk, Russia),  (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Gromov Viktor Evgen'evich, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor; Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Evdokimov Yurii Kirillovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev – KAI (Kazan, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Kokin Sergei Evgen'evich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin" (Ekaterinburg , Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Markov Anatolii Arkad'evich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; OJSC "Radioavionika" (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Nistyuk Anatolii Ivanovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov ISTU (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId).

Rinkevich Anatolii Bronislavovich, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Corr. member RAS, M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics (IMP), UB RAS (Ekaterinburg, Russia), (SCOPUS, ResearcherId).

Romanyuk Fedor Alekseevich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) (Minsk, Belarus),  (SCOPUS).

Smirnov Aleksandr Nikolaevich, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Suslov Konstantin Vital'evich, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Irkutsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Syasko Vladimir Aleksandrovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Saint-Petersburg Mining University (Saint-Peterburg, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID).

Uglov Aleksandr Leonidovich DSc in Engineering, Scientific Research Center of Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems – JSC "NIC KD" (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Khlybov Aleksandr Anatol'evich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseeva (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), (SCOPUS, ORCID, ResearcherId). 

Tyurin Alexander Pavlovich, DSc in Engineering, Professor; Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University (Izhevsk, Russia), (SCOPUS).

Božek, Pavol, Prof., PhD., Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Institute of Production Technologies (Slovakia), (SCOPUSORCID).

Eberhardsteiner Josef, Prof., DSc, Technische Universitat Wien, (Austria), (SCOPUSORCID).

Mazal Pavel, associate prof., Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic), (SCOPUS).

Moravcik Oliver, Dr. h. c., prof.h.c., prof. Dr. Ing.; Slovak University of Technology (Bratislava, Slovakia), (SCOPUS).

Orbán József, Prof., DSc; University of Pecs (Hungary),  (SCOPUS).

Vagner Juraj, DSc, Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), (SCOPUSORCID).

Rice Karel, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c.; Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic) (SCOPUS).

Gábriel, Róbert, Prof., DSc, Pécsi Tudományegyetem (Hungary), (SCOPUS).

Georgiadis Anthimos, Prof. Dr. RER. NAT. Prof. h.c.; Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany), (SCOPUS).

Dettinger Horst, Metallveredelungs GmbH, General Director of ZEN company (Stuttgart, Germany), (SCOPUS).

Doupovec Miroslav, prof. RNDr. CSc., dr. h. c.; Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), (SCOPUS).

Barborak Oto, Dr.h.c. doc. Ing.; Trencín University of Alexander Dubcek, (Slovakia), (SCOPUS).

Hering Ekbert., Doctor, Professor; Emeritus Rector of Aalen University (Germany).

Karger R., Prof. Dr., President of Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, (Germany).

Drochytka R., Prof. Ing., CSc., MBA, Head of Department at the Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components; Brno University of Technology, (Czech Republic), (SCOPUSORCID).

Sherif F.M. Abd Elnaby, Prof., President of Egyptian-Russian University (Egypt).

Štěpánek Petr, Prof. RNDr. Ing., Rector of Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic), (SCOPUSORCID).

Sources of Support

FOUNDER: Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Address: 426069, Russia, Izhevsk, 7, Studencheskaya Street

E-mail: info@istu.ru

Phone: +7 (3412) 77-60-55

Fax: +7 (3412) 50-40-55

WEB: http://istu.ru/

Journal History

The journal is published since 1998 periodically four volumes a year.