The Necessity of Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Training of Vocational Education Teachers (the Results of the Survey)


  • A. A. Gareyev


professionally oriented foreign language training, English language, survey, individual educational trajectories, variative training, labour market


The article emphasizes the importance of foreign language training of university graduates as a factor that increases their labour market competitiveness. It includes the results of the survey of undergraduates who study at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. This article also explains the necessity of the technology for variative professionally oriented foreign language training of vocational education teachers based on their interests and the demand of the labour market.


Гареев А. А. Роль профессионально ориентированной иноязычной подготовки в формировании конкурентоспособности бакалавров профессионального обучения // Новое слово в науке: перспективы развития : материалы VI Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Чебоксары, 20 нояб. 2015 г.). - Чебоксары : Интерактив плюс, 2015. - № 4(6). - С. 67-68.

Государственная программа Российской Федерации «Развитие образования на 2013-2020 годы». - URL: http://минобрнауки.рф/документы/2474/файл/901/ Госпрограмма_Развитие_образования_(Проект).pdf (дата обращения: 15.01.16).



How to Cite

Gareyev А. А. (2016). The Necessity of Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Training of Vocational Education Teachers (the Results of the Survey). Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 19(2), 127–128. Retrieved from



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