Psychological State of Hearing-Impaired and Deaf First-Year Technical University Students. Results of the Lucher Color Test


  • А. А. Shishkina Kalashnikov ISTU



higher education, inclusive education, hearing-impaired students, psychological state, Luscher color test


The paper deals with the problem of inclusive education which is relevant to the entire national education. It manifests itself most sharply in higher educational institutions which previously had no experience with inclusion, but according to the legislation they are obliged to ensure the right of people with disabilities to receive education. The problem is covered with respect to studying the psychological state of hearing-impaired and deaf first-year students of a technical university. Specific features of training students with hearing impairment are given. The results of the Luscher color test obtained during the first semester - in the beginning, the middle and the end of it - are analyzed. The test results obtained in different periods show that all students perceive the current situation as a stress and they need constant support. At the end of the first semester they have a desire to maintain their position which they start perceiving as prestigious. It is concluded that there is a slight positive dynamics of the students’ psychological state during the learning process. The author points out the necessity of using this technique due to the students’ limited social mobility and small vocabulary.

Author Biography

А. А. Shishkina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shishkina А. А. (2017). Psychological State of Hearing-Impaired and Deaf First-Year Technical University Students. Results of the Lucher Color Test. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 170–172.



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