Practice of Applying the Process Method for Regulating the Quality of Work at Construction Enterprises
process method, processes, quality, Quality Management System (QMS), quality manual, organization standards (STO), work instructions, recordsAbstract
The relevance of the paper is due to the current need to address issues related to ensuring the quality of work in the construction industry. This problem is especially acute for large enterprises with complex production and management systems, the efficiency and effectiveness of which largely depends on the methods applied to management and their continuous and purposeful improvement. In this regard, the paper presents a process method for regulating the quality of work. Its characteristic features are singled out and described. Practical aspects of the application of this method in the activity of large construction enterprises are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the functional systematization of processes and the definition of the structure of documentation in the Quality Management System (QMS). A full analysis and description of specific levels of the Documentation Framework in the QMS is presented. In this regard, the basic scheme of the formation of the process in the QMS Standard is considered in detail. Based on the practice, studies on the subject matter investigated showed positive results of applying the process method for regulating the quality of work, and also concluded that the conceptual basis for determining the effectiveness of enterprises is not one method but their complex.References
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