Evolution of the Concept “Efficiency”


  • L. S. Babynina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • A. A. Vakhrushev East European Institute




efficiency, effectiveness, general, external, internal effectiveness, efficiency criteria, adaptability, flexibility, competitiveness, innovativeness, operational efficiency, cost effectiveness, organization


Based on the analysis of semantic concepts and generalization of research on the problem of efficiency, the paper considers the main stages in the development of the concept of "efficiency". In the context of ideas about the dominant factors in the effectiveness of the organizational system, the ideas of representatives of Western and Russian scientific schools of management are considered. The author's understanding of overall efficiency from the point of view of external and internal factors is stated as a state of the organizational system that can be evaluated at a particular time by means of various criteria reflecting economic and social benefits. It is stated that overall efficiency can be ensured only when external and internal effectiveness is achieved. The main criteria for the external efficiency are adaptability, flexibility and competitiveness; for the internal one - innovation, operational efficiency, economy and organization.

Author Biographies

L. S. Babynina, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

DSc in Economics

A. A. Vakhrushev, East European Institute


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How to Cite

Babynina Л. С., & Vakhrushev А. А. (2017). Evolution of the Concept “Efficiency”. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 103–106. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2017-3-103-106



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