Model of the Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Infrastructure of the Railway Line at the Stage of Initiation of the Project of High-Speed Railway


  • V. V. Zagrebin Kalashnikov ISTU



method of analysis, stages of analysis, elements of infrastructure, objects of analysis, information processing, geographic information systems, algorithm of analysis


This work proposes a model of analysis of the current state of the existing infrastructure of the railway with a view to subsequent adoption of organizational and technical solutions at the stage of initiation of the project of high-speed railway. The modern methods of implementation of high speed communications and their difference in project and organizational decisions are described. The principal elements of the infrastructure of the railway are presented, the factors influencing the increased movement speed are individually revealed. The paper presents the method for analysis, stages and sequence of its implementation, definition of the principle objects of the analysis, possible data collection methods on objects of the analysis, a list of sectoral GIS and automated systems of collecting and processing operational information on the current state of infrastructure and operational work, and methods of processing, generalization, systematization of findings for further analysis. The general algorithm of the complex analysis of technical and operational parameters of the pipeline in the form of a sequential flowchart is developed. This model is relevant when analyzing the state of infrastructure for all existing railway lines on the territory of Russia in the selection of optimal and effective design solutions, together with economic justification in the process of developing complex measures on introduction of high-speed messages.

Author Biography

V. V. Zagrebin, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Zagrebin В. В. (2017). Model of the Multi-Criteria Analysis of the Infrastructure of the Railway Line at the Stage of Initiation of the Project of High-Speed Railway. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 107–110.



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