Organization of Physical Education of Students in Foreign Universities


  • A. Y. Anisimova Kalashnikov ISTU



higher education institutions, students, work programs, exercise, physical education


The paper discusses the formation and organization of physical education of students in foreign universities. All the authors identify two main objectives of physical education: preparing children and youth to physical activity throughout life, engaging them in physical activity during physical education. These objectives are of vital wellness benefits of physical education, which allow children and adolescents become active adults throughout their life. Many authors note that in the USA there is the obvious tendency of decreasing requirements to physical state of American students in state colleges and universities. Although the number of students with an excessive mass and insufficient health state in the country keeps increasing. The basic course for students in China is proposed only for the first-year students, where the main aim is to improve physical level and advance the basic sport skills and abilities. Specialized courses for different kinds of sports (sport clubs) are proposed for the second and third year students. Sport elective courses are provided only for the fourth year students. Recently many educational institutions organized sport clubs where the elective classes are held for undergraduates. The conclusion can be made after analysis of literature references that physical education in the USA and UK has the sport and playing fundamental, in many European countries it is gymnastic, in Russia it is mixed, whereas in China the basis of physical education is exactly of sport orientation.

Author Biography

A. Y. Anisimova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education


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How to Cite

Anisimova А. Ю. (2017). Organization of Physical Education of Students in Foreign Universities. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 139–141.



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