Interactive Game as Means of Formation of Natural-Science Outlook of Future Training Bachelors


  • D. N. Serebrennikov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • Y. A. Shikhov Kalashnikov ISTU



natural-scientific worldview, interactive game, training, activity, interaction


In the natural sciences the most important place is occupied by physics. It has a significant impact on the formation of a special natural-science mentality through the objective laws of life, which is the basis of values and ideological orientations of the person. Employees for the sphere of education come out of the graduates of higher educational institutions responsible for the level of public consciousness. Their work suggests quite serious training in natural science and complete scientific worldview. To solve the problem of natural-science outlook formation at a higher education institution is to develop a new conceptual approach and methodological system for accomplishing the task. The developed system of outlook formation should naturally complement and promote the quality of the educational system. This paper presents result of the scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem of forming a natural-science outlook for future bachelors of vocational training. It is shown that for its solution it is expedient to use interactive methods of teaching, in particular, the method of interactive games. The developed scenario of interactive game is presented, which helps to develop a natural-scientific worldview of the students.

Author Biographies

D. N. Serebrennikov, Kalashnikov ISTU


Y. A. Shikhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Education


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How to Cite

Serebrennikov Д. Н., & Shikhov Ю. А. (2017). Interactive Game as Means of Formation of Natural-Science Outlook of Future Training Bachelors. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 150–152.



Educational sciences (only archive)