Harmonization of Requirements of the Regional Labor Markets and Educational Services is the Necessary Condition of Effective Development of the Territory of the Advancing Social and Economic Development
monotown, territory of the advancing social and economic development, labor market, educational institutionAbstract
The paper analyzes the factors influencing the implementation of the existing favorable prerequisites of the development of the territory of the advancing social and economic development of Sarapul. It is shown that any implementation of the existing favorable prerequisites of the development of the territory of the advancing social and economic development is influenced by the activities of the personnel of enterprises and organizations to be prepared. Characteristics of the modern labor market of the municipal unit of Sarapul are revealed and systematized. The development of food, light and manufacturing, paper and chemical industries may require a significant influx of the young qualified personnel. And, in this case, it’s going to be the lack of them. Therefore, without certain regulatory measures, the situation in the labor market of the territory of the advancing social and economic development of Sarapul may become aggravated in the nearest future. It is shown that the problem of completion of economy of the territory of the advancing social and economic development of the monotown by specialists, generally, at the expense of local population, has a huge strategic importance from the point of view of forming of the necessary quantity of a labor power providing the economic development of the territory of the advancing social and economic development in the monotown. The conceptual scheme of forming of the controlling mechanism by interaction of the labor markets and educational services in the territory of the advancing social and economic development for achievement of harmonization of their requirements allowing to prepare highly qualified personnel and to increase labor productivity is offered.References
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