Online Surveys in Marketing Management: Opportunities, Advantages and Disadvantages
Internet marketing, Internet survey, Web-system, classification of Web-systems of Internet surveys, software packages analysis of Internet surveys, advantages and disadvantages of Internet surveysAbstract
The paper discusses the practice of using the Internet in marketing management, in particular in the implementation of marketing research and marketing policies throughout the complex 4P. It is stated that the Internet has led to the emergence of innovative methods of design and marketing research, especially in terms of changing the tools of the survey. The Internet survey is considered as a method of collecting information, which is based on the use of Internet technologies: special technical means and software. The platforms of Internet surveys are a variety of websites, chat rooms, forums, e-mail, social networks. The analysis of the tools of Internet surveys, their classification, specified the most frequently used forms of innovative Internet surveys. The range of Web-systems used in the Internet survey is given, the following criteria of their classification are highlighted: functionality of online survey systems; method of access to the system; integration capabilities; cost of use; factors of stimulation of respondents. The components of groups of Web-systems are distinguished. The paper considers a set of specialized software products for the analysis of marketing information used in Internet surveys, including VORTEX, IP Sociologist, SPSS, STATISTICA and MATLAB. Their possibilities are described. The advantages and disadvantages of using Internet surveys are highlighted. It is proved that the intensive penetration of the Internet into life will stimulate the application of the concept of Internet marketing, in particular, Internet surveys, it is only necessary to take into account all the advantages of Internet surveys and, if possible, to neutralize their shortcomings.References
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