Development of Methods for Assessment of Integration Performance for Information and Analytic Instruments of Infrastructure Support for Small Enterprises in the Business-Incubation Process


  • I. V. Matveeva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. B. Khomenko Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. V. Smirnov Kalashnikov ISTU



infrastructure support for small enterprises, information and analytic instruments, integration mechanism, process of business incubation, assessment of performance, analytic hierarchy process, expert evaluation method


One of the main institutions of infrastructure support for small business is a business incubator. Its tasks include not only the provision of property support in the form of leasing premises, equipment, etc., but also to promote the development of small enterprises by providing information and analytic services. The authors sign out consulting, training, project expertise and event monitoring as the main information and analytic instruments for infrastructure support for small enterprises. Successful implementation of information and analytic support for small business requires constant monitoring of the results of integrating information and analytic instruments for infrastructure support for small enterprises into the business incubation process. At present, there is no single methodology that allows to evaluate the effectiveness of information and analytic support for small businesses. The authors proposed a universal methodology for assessing the effectiveness of integrating information and analytic instruments for the infrastructural support for small businesses in the business incubation process, based on analytic hierarchy process and expert evaluation method. The proposed methodology includes indicators of the effectiveness of each of the five identified levels of assessing the effectiveness of integrating information and analytic instruments into the business incubation process. Indicators above the current level are calculated on the basis of indicators of a lower level, each of which, as a result of applying analytic hierarchy process and expert evaluation method, assigns its normalized priority vector, the importance of this indicator. For each of the indicators, the authors established normal values and derived formulas for calculation. Practical use of the proposed methodology will help solve the following problems: first, comparison of existing business incubators; secondly, the choice by small enterprises of the best, in their opinion, business incubator as an institution of support; thirdly, the establishment of planned indicators for the development of information and analytic support.

Author Biographies

I. V. Matveeva, Kalashnikov ISTU


E. B. Khomenko, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Associate Professor

S. V. Smirnov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD (Physics and Mathematics)


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How to Cite

Matveeva И. В., Khomenko Е. Б., & Smirnov С. В. (2018). Development of Methods for Assessment of Integration Performance for Information and Analytic Instruments of Infrastructure Support for Small Enterprises in the Business-Incubation Process. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 59–66.


