Resource Potential of Diversification of Defense Industry Enterprises in the Context of Civil-Military Integration


  • T. A. Berkutova Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Kalashnikov ISTU



resource potential, diversification of defense enterprises, evaluation criteria, assessment scales


In the paper the relevance of development of practical methods and instruments of diversification of the enterprises of the defense industry complex (DIC), in particular, of resource potential is proved. The analysis of the types and determination of potential offered by various authors is carried out; determination of resource capacity of defense industry enterprises is formulated. Components of resource capacity of defense industry enterprises are proposed: administrative capacity, personnel, information and communication system of the enterprise, financial resources, production and technological resources, marketing resources of the enterprise. Requirements are formulated to which the resource potential of diversification of defense industry enterprises has to satisfy: ensuring development of strategic nature of business in the markets of production of civil and dual purpose (PGDN), ensuring development of innovations on defense industry enterprises, ensuring development of flexibility and mobility of defense industry enterprises, ensuring work with the markets of PGDN. Use of model of the differentiated assessment of resource potential is proved; criteria and scales of assessment within an expert method are offered. The way of visualization of assessment results allowing to identify the existence at the enterprise of various groups of resources for implementation of diversification programs is offered.

Author Biography

T. A. Berkutova, Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Berkutova Т. А. (2019). Resource Potential of Diversification of Defense Industry Enterprises in the Context of Civil-Military Integration. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(4), 51–59.


