Hybrid Wind-Solar Power Plants
wind-solar plant, wind energy, photovoltaic energetics, renewable energy, hybrid installationAbstract
The paper gives the analysis of well-known approaches to the creation of hybrid wind-solar power plants. The examples show that the placement of photovoltaic converters on the rotors of wind generators of existing design is an ineffective solution for a number of factors. The design description is presented for the hybrid solar-wind system with a vertical Darier rotor and photovoltaic converters located on a common support structure, which allows to obtain a positive synergistic effect from the use of two renewable energy sources. The advantages of this solution are given, one of which is to increase the energy efficiency of photovoltaic converters due to the intensification of heat removal from the surface of the solar cells by the wind flow from the Darier rotor, the efficient use of the area and the stability of electricity output.
The paper also describes the advantages of using hybrid plants powered by renewable energy sources, in particular, wind-solar installations. Possible ways of reducing the negative consequences caused by the unstable character of electric energy generation by such installations are described.
The results of the work aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the rotor of the wind turbine and photovoltaic converters by setting the optimal angle of the blades and photovoltaic modules are described. The simulation results show that the maximum value of the wind utilization coefficient is achieved when the blades are installed at an angle of 38°, and the optimal installation angle of the photovoltaic modules for Sevastopol is 34°. The estimated calculations of the energy parameters of the combined wind-solar installation are given.References
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